Details about your 2025 Membership Renewal
2024 Renewal Contract
On-Line Renewal Submission Form
2025 Renewal Information
Membership Renewals are only available for current members. Former members who would like to rejoin the drug testing program must enroll as a new member.
How do I renew?
Maritime makes renewing easy. You may renew by mail, phone, or online. Checks, money orders or credit card payments can also be mailed. A credit card is required for all fax, phone or online renewals.
How much does renewing cost?
To renew or add a new crewmember the cost is $70 per person. ($80 in AK/HI/PR/VI, $95 in GU/SP). If a pre-employment test is needed, an additional $60 per test must be included with your payment.
Why should I renew now, when I am not in season?
Two reasons for this: First, the Coast Guard requires pre-employment drug testing for all mariners who drop out of compliance for an extended period of time. By renewing, your company not only retains continuous compliance but also avoids paying an additional $60 per test on top on the renewal fee. Second, the Coast Guard also requires all companies to file an MIS on an annual basis for all company drug testing. Maritime can only file for company’s who are currently using Maritime as their “intermediary” as defined by the Department of Transportation. Maritime will provide members who renew their membership with a MIS Report Confirmation Certificate.
I have a lot of turnover in crew, should I renew a captain or crewmember who may not come back to my company next year?
Maritime has unlimited free switching of crew. If a renewed individual leaves, you may hire a replacement and not be subject to the annual membership fee. If the renewed individual does return within 4 months, they will not be subject to pre-employment testing. Therefore, saving companies with high turnover rates tremendous amounts of money. Maritime’s unlimited free switching is one of our most popular features!
How do other programs compare with Maritime?
Maritime is a FULLY COMPLIANT service without any hidden costs. Our recent research found that several programs quote mariners partial prices for partially compliant drug and alcohol testing services, and do not reveal the FULL COST of their services to the unwary buyer. Many of these same programs are not educated on all the regulations to which mariners are required to comply.
Only Maritime offers members the lowest enrollment price UPFRONT with ALL REQUIRED services to assure each member is 100% compliant with all the U.S. Coast Guard and Department of Transportation regulations.
Joining some consortia is like buying a car with three tires: Lower upfront costs, but hidden fees for necessary services. When comparing drug-testing services, keep that in mind. Several companies are quoting mariners partial prices for drug testing services, but not revealing to unwary buyers the FULL cost of their services.
How has Maritime increased service and quality?
Increased Identity Protection
Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America. In an effort to combat this trend and protect our members, Maritime does not print Social Security Numbers (SSN) on Certificates of Enrollment, ID cards, or renewal invoices. The SSN has been replaced by a unique computer generated number (the Maritime ID Number, or MID Number), which is assigned to employees upon enrollment.
Please note: The SSN will continue to appear on forms that are submitted to the Coast Guard as required.
Faster Result Turn-Around
Maritime has contracted a Medical Review Officer, Paul Teynor, MD for drug test verification. The MRO is able to provide drug test results in a rapid manner. Once again, this minimizes the wait time for your new employees to start work.
More Responsive Customer Service
Internally, Maritime continually streamlines our Standard Operating Procedures to increase the efficiency of all the services provided to Maritime members.