Maritime Consortium Membership Services Summary for 2024
Membership Application | Details on the Regulation | Download an Enrollment Application (pdf)
Maritime satisfies all Coast Guard chemical testing requirements and and more — all for a simple flat fee:
The Coast Guard Requires:
Letters of Compliance
Each enrolled company will receive a formal Letter of Compliance for use during a Coast Guard inspection of a member firm’s random drug testing program. This document will list all Captains and crew enrolled in the random testing program.
Quality Random Testing and Notification Procedures
The Maritime Consortium uses a sophisticated computer program to randomly select members out of our pool. The selection process adheres to DOT/USCG regulations ensuring that selections are blind to Maritime staff and unpredictable to our members. When a random test selection draw is conducted, test paperwork is mailed to the selected employees Designated Employee Representative. Once the employee is notified by the DER that he/she has to test, the employee has one business day to take the test. Please call Maritime if any issues arise that may delay or prohibit the employee from testing. Remember, testing takes priority over work. The DER may hold the test paperwork and not notify the employee for several days in order to manage their testing at a time of greater convenience.
A Collection Site for Specimen Collection
Maritime has nearly 5000 accredited collection sites throughout the areas of U.S Coast Guard jurisdiction. Whenever possible, we will assign your company a collection site within 30 miles of your business. If you have a special situation, say a potential employee that does not live near your business, we will be happy to send pre-employment test paperwork directly to your potential employee. Either call us with his or her information or, if adding that person through our website, include an alternate address in the Special Instructions box on the Enrollment Application or Update Crew form. Please note: Maritime can no longer accept crewmember adding or deleting over the phone. We need something in writing to authorize these transactions.
A Company Drug Policy and Information Handbook
Maritime supplies each member company with a handbook comprising information about how our program works, a summary of the applicable regulations (46 CFR part 16 and 49 CFR part 40), a description of the banned substances and behaviors associated with their use, and copies of all forms used in our random testing compliance process.
A Company Policy Statement
Each enrolled company will receive a written company policy stating the employers intention to manage a drug free work place. The policy lists the prohibitive substances and the consequences of failing a drug test. This statement should be signed by the owner of the firm and posted in a location where it is in full view to all company employees. The Consortium also provides a policy statement for all employees to sign, thereby agreeing to participate in the company’s random test program.
Use of a Medical Review Officer and NIDA Certified Laboratories
The Maritime Consortium is contracted with Dr. James Vanderploeg and his associates to interpret every drug test result. He and is associates are accredited and certified to perform this function that protects mariners from errors in the collection and testing process. The laboratories used by Maritime are certified and inspected by the National Institute of Drug Abuse and SAMHSA for testing accuracy.
Employee Assistance Program Training Materials
Each enrolled company of three or more employees will receive training materials for Supervisors and Employees regarding aspects of the random test program, including a list of the banned substances and information regarding their use. After their training, employees will sign a copy of the Statement of Understanding of Policy and Employee Assistance Program .
Additional Maritime Consortium Features.
Identification Cards
Each enrolled Captain or crew member will be issued a laminated identification card once we receive a negative test result for a valid DOT test or proof that an employee participated in another program under a different employer. These cards are handy indicators of an employees’ enrollment in our random testing program. However, the defining document of proof of enrollment is the above mentioned Certificate of Compliance. The Coast Guard uses that list to determine who is able to work for a company in a safety sensitive capacity.
Drug Free Vessel Sticker
Each company will receive a nine inch by six inch laminated Drug Free Vessel sticker. This bright, three color sticker is waterproof and UV resistant. It is an excellent way to convey your company’s intention to manage a drug free work place to employees and customers.
Toll Free Support on the Coast Guard Drug Testing Regulation
Maritime works exclusively for the marine industry, helping our members attain and maintain compliance with all applicable DOT/USCG chemical testing regulations. We also work with senior USCG drug program staff to clarify drug program regulations and procedures for compliance. We may be reached at 1-800-775-6985 M-F 9am – 5pm EST or you can email us anytime at info@drugfreevessel.com. We look forward to hearing from you.