Detailed Comparison of Other Consortiums:
Why less than guaranteed compliance is not good for business
Pricing for specific services among these three companies are compared: The Maritime Consortium, Inc., American Professional Captains Association, and American Maritime Safety, Inc.,
The Maritime Consortium, Inc. provides full compliance testing services for $75 per member annually, including all random drug testing, including collection, analysis and Medical Review Officer fees. For vessel operators with crew of 10 or more, the fee is $70 per member annually. To satisfy post-accident testing regulations, we offer the MPAK for $20 per kit. In addition, The Maritime Consortium, Inc. provides other required compliance services, such as Employee Assistance Program materials, a company drug policy, Management Information System reporting to the USCG, among others, inclusive of the $75 annual membership fee. The Maritime Consortium, Inc. also provides a wide variety of value-added services for no additional charge to members, including its Drug Information Handbook; stickers and ID cards to identify the member as one in good standing; toll-free membership inquiry, fax, and test-status services; forms to comply with requirements to check the drug and alcohol testing record of crewmembers prior to hiring; among others. While incalculable, The Maritime Consortium, Inc. offers “free switching” of crew in its program so that a vessel operator need not pay an additional membership fee of $75 ($70 for vessel operators with 10 or more) when replacing one crewmember with a new one.
American Professional Captains Association membership materials and oral representations indicate that it charges $105 for annual membership plus a $100 company fee (with more than one opertor), including random testing, plus $67 for SMI testing, equaling $167 for a sole operator, $788 for an operator with a total of four safety-sensitive personnel, and $1820 for an operator with a total of 10 safety-sensitive personnel per year. However SMI testing as part of your program is mandatory by the Coast Guard, so you cant buy it after it happens.
American Maritime Safety, Inc. membership materials and/or oral representations indicate that it charges $40 for annual membership, plus $28.45 for random testing and $28.45 for SMI drug testing (alcohol testing is extra). For purposes of calculating the price to operators, crew is assumed to be tested at a 50% rate. Pricing for American Maritime Safety, Inc. membership is calculated to be $96.90 for a sole operator, $342.25 for an operator with a total of four safety-sensitive personnel, and $906.75 for an operator with a total of 10 safety-sensitive personnel per year. This does not include a Drug Information Handbook or alcohol testing for Post Accident Testing
As we have since 1989, Maritime also guarantees the lowest price, so if you can find a fully complant program for less than ours, we will match their price, call us at 800-775-6985.